My Time Tables Goals

Hello, this is Parth presenting my time table goals their one things that I found hard and it was the find divident/divisor and I am still working on that.

And  I have got faster in all my time tables!!


This is my week 9 working I hope you like it 🙂

Parvana Ponder week 7

Parvana and shauzia wanted to make a lot of money and they both are school friends so they can trust eachother.

And they thought of buying trays so they could sell them in a supermarket and they will make a lot of money. They wanted to eat and they could not tell that to their family because they were selling bones?!?!? That’s why it is a secret from their parents.

My art work!

Hello! My name is Parth and I have been working on this art for 4 days! We used pastels and some paint to make this, It was really hard to colour all this, but our teacher helped us so it was easier!


My BatMan Writing!

Hello class this is my Bat Man story I have been working on this! I have been doing this for a long time, I hope you like it!

Batman saves people from evil characters which is really kind! And I like it! 

The biggest enemy of Batman is SuperMan, SuperMan also helps from evil characters, but the thing is that both of them are enemies.

The problem is that they both keep fighting even though they should help a city instead of fighting, I never really knew why they started a fight? They both are hero’s That’s the problem they keep fighting as hero’s …

Whenever Bat Man and Super Man fight they always feel tired and Super Man is really strong!!

They both never really ended the fight because their Mothers have the same name.

They both are still really strong and enemies but nothing has changed so we will see what happens I like them both! And I want them to stop fighting.

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