Year: 2023

Buzzing Bee Wax

Today we had a visitor from Auckland Council. His name was Sean. He taught us about how we can reduce our plastic wrap waste that goes into landfill.

One thing I learned was that 1 Bee Wax is made out of a whole bee’s life.

The thing I found surprising was that honey never spoils, there is honey from 3000 years ago and it is still perfectly edible.

I really enjoyed using the iron and moving it around so that it could be warm enough.

Have you ever used Bee Wax at home? I haven’t!


Ponder 8: My Chimaera!!!!!

If I could create an animal, I would mix together, cat, dog and a gorilla.

The special power of a gift my animal would have is to shoot lazerbeams from it’s mouth.

I would choose all of this because of how much destruction it would cost, (I wouldn’t make that if I actually had a choice)

What would you choose? Would you choose a destruction animal like me or would you make a cute animal?


-Parth Room 16!

My report about whats happening.

Kia Ora everybody, this is my report, hope you ENJOY!

The news about the construction of new buildings.


Hello, I am Parth and I am currently in Owairaka School.

Right now, there is construction happening in the school.

You can see construction workers over here working really hard!

Right now, the Nga Ringa Awhina is the only thing open since the 

construction work.

We will show you some pictures about classes and more!

We will bring students with us!

What is happening is that the old classrooms are getting shifted, 

like room 16 and 17, are in the library temporarily.

It has probably been 2-3 months since all of the construction 

started happening, teachers gave students news last year about some construction happening, that’s all for our news report we will see you tomorrow at 6 pm!

Did you do this? BYE!

Science chemical reaction!!!😀😀

Kia Ora everyone, we learned about fireworks and how they work.

Experiment: Fizz into water, oil, and food colouring! (Lava Lamp)

Solid (fizz tablet) mixed with water (liquid) and it created a gas, (probably carbon dioxide).


I really enjoyed the 3rd one because we learned about how hot fire really is and that if you mix different chemicals, it makes a different fire colour.t

We found multiple colours like red, orange, green and a shade of white.

We mixed all of the chemicals and it made a very mixed type of colour.

That’s all for this blog, did you’re class do SCIENCE?

Bye! -Parth

Our film festivale.

So basically, we started doing our film script and actually, my group, (Noel, Omar, Rafin, Parth)

we were the first people to finish in our class.

We finished so quickly, we did our whole film in 1 hour of recording while messing up multiple times.

Then, we edited which I did 95% of it then I let the other 5% for Rafin.

We voice recorded and added sound effects then BOOM! WE DID IT!

What are you doing in YOUR film? BYE!

Novel ponder 3.5

I think that it was more of a punishment because they are getting sent away from their house and their place which they have been for their whole life.

My thoughts would probably be like, “what do I do now?” and my eyes would also be blinking uncontrollably.

And would be thinking about my family if they aren’t here.

I wonder if the people in Parihaka did something bad to the soldiers before?

What do you think? BYE!

Officer Constable Tino – Police

Today, one of the policemen came into our class and taught us health safety.

He taught us about safety and keeping kids safe, there were questions like what would you do if someone was stalking you and following you.

He taught us so much more about what to do when you are uncomfortable and if someone is staring at you while you are changing.

A lot of other stuff like which stuff is safe, unsafe and unsure, my group didn’t get any unsure’s. ANYWAYS BYE!

Beautiful, Beautiful, SPEECH!

Kia Orana, This week we have been learning to use dialogue and show don’t tell.

I’ve done some of my writing here! Hope you like it!

“This car is really fun!” yelled Harry.

“Well, we need to find the train and get on it!” replied Ron.

“We’re really breaking time here, aren’t we?” asked Ron.

“Yeah, for sure, this shouldn’t be allowed!” Harry said.

As Ron and Harry were flying around in the car, they saw a little bit of landscape!

“Oh! Some mountains! Let’s go, maybe we can find the train here!”

Yeah, I’m ready! “I’m getting a hard feeling there if I’m going to be honest with you!”

“Oh there’s a train track over there!” pointed out Harry.

Ron flew out straight, “Oh we’re on the track! So now we just need to find the train!”

The car went as fast as a Sports car, but they heard something.

Smoke started dripping, “Oh no! Do you hear that?” said Ron.

“AHHHHHHHH!” The tire’s of the car flipped and flopped around as the train was behind them.

“Get us OUT, what are you doing?!” cried Harry.

The car flew out and they looked at the back.

“What are you doing?” hissed Harry.

“That’s not my fault, I didn’t see the train!” replied Ron.

Have you been learning how to use dialogue in your writing?



Novel Ponder.

One piece of advice I would give my younger self is to study history in a young age, I’ve just started learning a bit of history myself but if I practised it earlier It would have been better.

The second one would be to ignore the haters, they’re just there to make me go down, they have no purpose so I’d rather ignore.

BYE! -Parth

Ponder 2.

I would probably have a wife at that time and I’d be travelling different countries, but the #1 on my list is VATICAN CITY.

I really want to go there and France is also there, Germany, Austria, Hungary , China, Japan, Ireland,  USA, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Nepal, Bhutan, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, UK, Sri Lanka and India and many more!

What countries would you go to or where would you travel? BYE!!!!!!!!